Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Plato`s Apology Essays - Socratic Dialogues, Dialogues Of Plato

Plato`s Apology After reading Plato's account of Socrates defense, the Apology, I was completely blown away by the power of Socrates words and ideas. The reading left me thinking about how I felt regarding what he had said about virtue, truth and the quest for both. In class, we discussed Socrates search for virtue and we touched on the topic of this paper: the reasons Socrates believed that "the unexamined life is not worth living for man". It is my opinion that he is correct in that view and in this paper I intend to show you why. Like many philosophers alive in his time, it was Socrates belief that virtue could only be attained through examination. Only through exploration can you really understand what virtue is, and begin to act virtuously. Understanding, as well as sharing, this information was very important goal to Socrates. The significance of examining and understanding our lives is far greater than one might think. Understanding and comprehending the behavior of friends, as well as of ourselves, enables us to have empathy and compassion for them. And, allows us not to stand in judgment, which, in turn, allows us to live the moral, noble lives that Socrates spoke of. Another belief of Socrates that supports his view is the idea that evil derives from ignorance and the failure to investigate or explore peoples actions. I believe this to be true, also. This idea also supports his beliefs on death. Socrates was not well liked because he explored his ignorance, and was eventually put to death because of it. Marie Curie once said, "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood." That could sum up a great deal of Socrates position in the Apology: why he was not shaken by death, why he spoke of his relationship with the gods, and possibly even why he felt the unexamined life is not worth living.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Rechazo de solicitud de tarjeta de residencia para EEUU

Rechazo de solicitud de tarjeta de residencia para EEUU Aunque cumplas con los requisitos para solicitar una tarjeta de residencia es posible que la peticià ³n sea denegada. Estas son las causas y quà © se puede hacer. Lee con atencià ³n esta lista de 42 causas que te hacen inadmisible (esa es la palabra que se utiliza tà ©cnicamente) para recibir la tarjeta de residencia. Lo ideal es conocerlas antes de meter los papeles con Inmigracià ³n, y asà ­ ver cules son las posibilidades de obtener la residencia. Pero si ya ests al final de la tramitacià ³n y te dicen que no, debes saber si puedes hacer algo. Y, en ese caso, lo quà ©. Causas de denegacià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia por ser inadmisible Padecer cierto tipo de enfermedades contagiosas o carecer de determinadas vacunas.Sufrir de enfermedades fà ­sicas o mentales de tal modo que puedas causarte daà ±o a ti mismo o a otros.Alcoholismo.Ser un drogadicto o haber sido condenado por violar alguna ley que regula las drogas ilegales, tanto en Estados Unidos o en cualquier otro paà ­s del mundo.  Ser un traficante de droga o participar de cualquier modo en ese tipo de delito.Ser esposo/a y/o hijos de un traficante, si se ha recibido dinero del narco en los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os.Haber sido condenado por un delito inmoral. Tener dos o ms delitos con una condena de cinco aà ±os o ms.Haber sido condenado por un delito agravado.Ejercer o haber ejercido la prostitucià ³n o haber solicitado los servicios de una prostituta (o, en su caso, de su versià ³n masculina). Esto aplica por diez aà ±os.Pretender obtener inmunidad para no ser procesado en EEUU por un delito y conseguir asà ­ salir del paà ­s.Haber realizado activi dades que comprometan la seguridad de los Estados Unidos. Haber cometido o haber conspirado para cometer un delito de trfico humano. O ser el esposo/a o hijo/a de tal persona y haberse beneficiado de ese delito en los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os.Realizar o haber llevado a cabo labores de espionaje o haber participado en un intento para derrocar al gobierno de los Estados Unidos.Haber realizado cualquier actividad que pueda clasificarse como terrorista.Membresà ­a en un partido totalitario, en el comunista o en el partido nazi.Haber participado en un genocidio.Ser una carga pà ºblica o cuando es probable que se va a ser en el futuro.Haber participado de cualquier forma en lavado de dinero o pretender entrar a EEUU para desarrollar esa actividad delictiva.Ser un mà ©dico o personal de sanidad que carece de la debida cualificacià ³n o certificacià ³n.Estar ya en Estados Unidos y haber entrado al paà ­s cruzando ilegalmente la frontera. Es decir, no hubo un control migratorio en una aduana terrestre, en un puerto o en un aeropuerto y, por lo tanto, ningà ºn oficial de inmigracià ³n admitià ³ o le concedià ³ una parole al extranjero que ahora solicita la green card. No haberse presentado en Corte cuando se tenà ­a una citacià ³n durante un proceso de deportacià ³n.Haber presentado o utilizado un documento de identificacià ³n falso. Asegurar falsamente que se es ciudadano de los Estados Unidos.Llegar a EEUU como polizà ³n  Haber que han violado las condiciones de una visa de estudiante.No tener documentos que son necesarios para obtener la green card.Haber sido penalizado civilmente de acuerdo a las disposiciones del artà ­culo 247C la Ley de Nacionalidad e Inmigracià ³n (INA, siglas en inglà ©s).Cumplir con alguno de los supuestos que hacen a una persona inelegible para poder adquirir la ciudadanà ­a americana, segà ºn los artà ­culos 314 y 315 de la INA.No haber cumplido en tu paà ­s con la obligacià ³n del servicio militar.Haber sido expulsado de Estados Unidos nada ms llegar a las fronteras del paà ­s.Tener o haber   tenido presencia ilegal en Estados Unidos.Cometer una infraccià ³n inmigratoria y despuà ©s continuaron vi viendo en Estados Unidos en una situacià ³n de presencia ilegal. Haber sido deportado Haber sido deportado y despuà ©s de su deportacià ³n han vuelto a cruzar ilegalmente a Estados Unidos, causando asà ­ lo que se conoce como prohibicià ³n permanente. Practicar la poligamia.Secuestro internacional de nià ±os.Haber votado ilegalmente en Estados Unidos.Haber renunciado previamente a la ciudadanà ­a para evitar pagar impuestos.Haber tenido  una visa de intercambio J-1 hasta que pasan dos aà ±os viviendo fuera de EEUU en los casos en los que aplica, que no es siempre.Cuando tu presencia en EEUU puede ser calificada de que serà ­a un perjuicio para el paà ­s.Haber reclutado a nià ±os-soldados o cometido tortura o asesinatos extrajudiciales.Haber atentado gravemente contra la libertad de religià ³n cuando se actuaba como oficial de otro paà ­s. Haber ayudado a indocumentados a entrar ilegalmente a Estados Unidos. Cà ³mo Estados Unidos sabe que se ha realizado alguna de esas actividades El gobierno de los EEUU obliga a todos los solicitantes de una tarjeta de residencia a someterse a unas pruebas biomà ©tricas, entre ellas, a la de huellas dactilares. Esto permite obtener mucha informacià ³n tanto de actividades realizadas en USA como fuera. Si cualquier agencia del gobierno se da cuenta de que has mentido en relacià ³n a uno de esos asuntos las posibilidades de que en el futuro puedas conseguir algà ºn beneficio migratorio son prcticamente nulas. Quà © hacer si si en tu pasado hay alguna actividad incluida en esa lista Si todavà ­a no se ha iniciado la tramitacià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia, consular con un abogado de inmigracià ³n especialista en tu tipo de problema. Y saber de antemano quà © se puede hacer. Si la tarjeta de residencia te ha sido ya denegada, consulta con un abogado de inmigracià ³n especialista en este tema para analizar si: Puedes pedir un perdà ³n (waiver). Estos son los requisitos y los trmites para solicitar el perdà ³n.  Adems, los familiares inmediatos de ciudadanos que estn en Estados Unidos y cuyo à ºnico problema es estar ilegalmente en el paà ­s y no pueden ajustar su estatus podrà ­an en algunos casos calificar para el perdà ³n provisional I-601A. Si hace muchos aà ±os (2001 o antes) se tuvo una peticià ³n aprobada a favor de un inmigrante, estudiar si se cumplen los requisitos para beneficiarse de la proteccià ³n 245(i). Si la prohibicià ³n para obtener la tarjeta de residencia por la causa que te afecta expira tras el paso de un nà ºmero determinado de aà ±os, ya pasaron y ya no habrà ­a ese problema.Si te afecta lo que se conoce como una prohibicià ³n permanente (permanent bar). Es muy difà ­cil de conseguir un beneficio, pero no imposible. Dependiendo de la causa de la prohibicià ³n y del tipo de visa que se desea solicitar es posible solicitar el perdà ³n en cualquier m omento o puede que sea necesario esperar como mà ­nimo  10 aà ±os fuera de Estados Unidos. O si simplemente no hay nada que hacer. Consejos para probar conocimientos En asuntos de inmigracià ³n, cuando ms sepas, mejor. Toma este test de respuestas mà ºltiples  para verificar que tienes los conocimientos bsicos para obtener y conservar la tarjeta de residencia.   Es un proceso largo y costoso. Cuando menos errores se cometan, mejor. Y este test te ayuda a mejorar tus conocimientos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. no es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

American Unjust Drug War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

American Unjust Drug War - Research Paper Example Such premises, as will be discussed below, are stronger than those which seek to justify the state’s tough anti-drug laws. II Thesis This paper asserts that America’s war against illegal drug use is unjust because it does not simply violates but violently repress the drug user’s inherent right to choose, putting the American society at greater risk. This argument strongly weakens the popular assertion of prohibitionists that illegal drug use poses extreme harm not only against users but the society as a whole, thus must be prohibited at all costs (Huemer 135). Moreover, this vividly illustrate that a law founded on distorted truth could create more rather than resolve problem, demonizing rather than humanizing society. Essentially so, the end could not justify the means; neither the means could justify the end. Democracy, which the American society proudly upholds, is founded on giving due respect to the inherent rights of every individual, as enshrined in the Bi ll of Rights of the Unites States Constitution. Violating any of these fundamental rights contradicts American principles on civil liberties, that could weaken the very foundation of this powerful nation. One of the rights inherent in every individual is no other than the right to choose, as this acknowledges the individual’s freedom to make personal decisions. This means, the body, self and life of the individual is his/hers alone. Whatever he/she would like to do about it is his/her sole right. Meaning, an individual has the fundamental right to choose and the freedom to decide whether or not he/she will use drugs, despite knowing the harm such choice may effect on him/her. As such, the government has no business over an individual’s decision on what to do with his/her body, self, and life. Therefore, America’s war against drug is unjust, because anti-drug laws do not simply deny but violently attack drug users of their personal autonomy, subsequently violatin g their other basic human rights such as the right to liberty and the right to life. This is not to say that criminalizing drug use unjustly tarnishes the user’s reputation, causing him/her to be socially isolated and depriving him/her of opportunities and decent life. Furthermore, since the right to choose is inherent in every individual, no one – not even the majority will and not even legislation – can take away this right from an individual; only the individual him/herself can surrender this right if he/she freely chooses to do so. Meaning, if the individual knowingly decides to subject him/herself to drug use regulation or prohibition, for example under medical care, then that is the only time that his/her drug use, specifically related only to the health problem being medicated, can become the business of the authority – in this case the medical health professional. But even under such circumstance, the failure of the individual to regulate or forbi d him/herself of drug use as medically prescribed does not make him/her a criminal. If the prohibition of drug use already violates the individual’s right to choose, criminalizing it is tantamount to state repression, further proving therefore, that America’

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Healthy People and Your Community - Discussion Essay

Healthy People and Your Community - Discussion - Essay Example The hospital has developed an initiative whereby patients are assigned to primary care physicians who are charged with the task of overseeing them to prevent cases in which a simple case can turn into an emergency one. This has further proved fruitful after the hospital conducted a program of educating the people around on how best to handle illnesses to avoid last minute emergencies in hospitals (Healthy People 2012). The hospital facility has built various units around the place to facilitate easy access by patients. These units provide the requisite healthcare services that most of the patients need at any given time. The hospital has also partnered with respective health insurance companies in charge of providing covers to clients who need health care. This is because most people who do not have insurance covers cannot easily receive healthcare, are more likely to die because of lack or inadequate provision of healthcare and are likely to have poor health status(Healthy People 2012). The hospital has developed effective transport systems, with ready ambulances with first aid nurses who move patients with emergency cases to the nearest health facility with ease. These health facilities have enough doctors who work in shifts to ensure no patients wait longer either in emergency departments or outpatient departments. This goes on well even with other hospital departments such as labs, which ensure the tests required are conducted and treatment made within the shortest time possible (Healthy People 2012). The disparity comes in terms of racial and social discrimination as Blares and Hayes (2010) describe, which to some extend is reduced but still there among elderly health workers. This creates fear among the minority who might be suffering yet they need healthcare services. To reduce this problem, the government needs to incorporate the minority healthcare workers in the profession, to reduce the gap. This will increase the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Marketing Case Analysis Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing Case Analysis - Article Example In order to be able to accomplish something within the worldwide marketplace today, the organizations sales force depends more upon on attaining the precise consumer and product information, it does not really matter if it is inside the organization or outside .the organizations sales force requires a cohesive, prearranged technique to follow the consumer leads, the contact information, in addition to their descriptions. Along with this the management within these organizations is on the look out of a technique where they would be able to investigate in detail the past sales data for the future prospects. If an organization is able to consolidate the data storage along with regulating the sales tools also practices, the organizations contending within this atmosphere would help the organization respond swiftly to the changing consumer inclinations and alterations within the market place, routinely guiding the way to the sales staff plus push them follow up. Also to be able to recogni ze a lot more prospects to cross sell and up sell, a lot more efficiently estimate sales figures, focus upon refining the sales relationships .It is suggested that organizations can in fact now automate their sales force in order to guarantee that their sales are closed quickly. (Microsoft .com) Also it seems that what Sprint is going through now, is a situation where, they are striking their numbers. Thinking how many more follow up calls have been made until now. These issues are persistently being obsessed into the heads of the sales team.( Keith Rosen , 2008) What is notable is the fact it is true for a lot of sales professionals, that the pressure to arrive at quota or else achieve a definite level of performance. At the same time as retaining a monthly sales objective helps only to settle the mind upon the reward which is why the actual focus upon the result can actually mean more harm. By the end of every selling month, the disturbance along with the pressure can actually overpower as the salespeople move quickly to perform at the optimum to close the sales in order to accomplish their targets. ( Keith Rosen , 2008) Because while the act of selling is considered by most as the transmission of the sentiment behind the product or service. One can visualize the mind-set that these over pressurized sales people are conveying to their prospects. The constant worry in addition to the apprehension of having to close additional sales unintentionally puts unjustified strain on the prospects as well as cultivates a detrimental association from the beginning. ( Keith Rosen , 2008 ) To produce improved results, it is recommended that they modify the way they are closing these sales at Sprint or modify how they perceive the whole situation. Also in order to recurrently go beyond the organizations sales goals as well as better supervise the team's outlook, amending the way they think, so in order to grow to be procedure driven relatively than just being outcome driven. The probability is that the, salespeople who are exclusively alert on the end product lack the procedure within they would believe. Moreover, they put more efforts in trying to be in charge of the result; approaching for what they yearn for

Friday, November 15, 2019

Joseph Beuys Social Sculptures Concepts

Joseph Beuys Social Sculptures Concepts Joseph Beuys developed a new concept of art as Social Sculpture in post-war Germany after the long period of repression and lethargy. His theory advocated that every person in every situation has the ability to re-organise society and this essay discusses how he sought to realise these ideas within his own practice. Beuys (1921-1986), is one of the most prominent and influential German artists to emerge after World War II. As well as an artist, he was a teacher and activist and his theory on the ability of art to change the dynamics of society has reverberated across a generation of artists. (Electronic Arts Intermix 1997) Beuys, along with other founding members of the Fluxus movement, helped to reinvigorate a prosperous Avant-garde after the long episode of Nazi oppression. His work was highly experimental and always contentious, layered with intricate meaning and symbolism. (Moma n.d.) Throughout his career he produced thousands of conceptual works, drawings, installations, objects, performances and lectures. Maturing as an artist during the Fluxus movement, this encouraged Beuys to create progressively more anti-establishment and eccentric works.(Turner 2001) The Fluxus was an international movement which began in the early sixties and continued to thrive throughout the 1960s and 1970s. It was distinguished by a strong Dadaist approach and encouraged artistic experimentation intertwined with social and political activism that rejoiced in revolutionary change. (Delahunt 1996)The Fluxus movement also centres on the absolute connection between art and life (Durini 1997, p. 26), a theme which was central to Beuys artistic practice. It was during the war that Joseph Beuys decided to dedicate himself to art. Beuys entered the Dusseldorf Academy at the conclusion of the war. It was during his time at the Academy that he began to query academic limitations and sought to further his artistic capabilities and understanding of art through his subject matter, sculptural techniques and the use of non conventional materials. A major turning point for Beuys came during the mid 1950s when he suffered from a severe bout of depression which lasted for several years. He surfaced from this period with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. Beuys states â€Å"This was the stage at which I began systematic work on certain basic principles.† (Walker Art Centre n.d.) These principles were to later expand into his Theory of Social Sculpture. In addition to his depression, Beuys also reportedly suffered from several injuries which he sustained during the five years he served in the war. It is speculated that due to this suffering, the theme of injury and healing are ever-present throughout his work. As a survivor of World War II, Beuys saw Western society as highly traumatised, psychic, social, political and ecological, and he believed that art was a means of mending this suffering. (Walker Art Centre n.d.) During the 1960s and 1970s, Joseph Beuys helped to solidify performance arts position within the art scene. He used a collaboration of sound, time and objects in a series of â€Å"actions†, to create sculptural performances. These performances were often recorded and demonstrated the captivating manner in which the artist was able to use his physical and psychic energy in which to create scenes infused with historical, mythological and personal significance. (Moma n.d.) Beuys believed that performance art was an intuitive approach in which he could convey his belief in the artists ability to repair a damaged world. (Turner 2001) Beuys was spurred on by the ideal belief human creativity could be universal and that art could create revolutionary change. This belief is what led Beuys to advocate this theory of the concept of ‘Social Sculpture during the 1970s, when his political activism was at the forefront. This was the idea that each human being had the potential to creatively contribute to the reshaping of society, in other words ‘society as an artwork. (Tate Collection 2009) Beuys idea of everyone as an artist was very powerful, because it is an indicator of our human potential for future evolution. (Howard n.d.) He believed that this potential was oppressed by conformity, social norms and conventions (Garner n.d.), and that in order for society to reach its full potential, it needed to free itself of routine and remain unobservant to disparities and surrounding conflicts. This idea formed a large part of the intention of his work, he states â€Å"I not only want to stimulate people, I want to provoke them†. (Masters n.d.) Beuys regarded teaching as an important part of his work as an artist. (Tate Collection 2009) He produced a large number of chalkboard drawings in which to communicate the basic principles of his Theory of Social Sculpture. They were often in the form of diagrams and demonstrated the relationships between art and society. (NGV International 2008) These chalkboard drawings are viewed as artworks in their own right. Joseph Beuys selection of materials for his sculptures was notably eclectic and he believed that certain materials had significant associations and through their repeated use they achieved personal representation. (Tate Collection 2009) He spent a substantial amount of time ensuring that his choice of aesthetic materials expressed his intentions. (Garner n.d.) Fat is a material that Beuys frequently used within his sculptures. He often used it to provoke discussion and believed it a material which was very basic to life. Its flexibility in changing from solid into liquid form made it a compelling symbol of spiritual transcendence. Felt is also a material that features frequently in Beuys work, and it became somewhat of a personal signature. He believed its often mundane nature could be transformed into objects with multi-layered significance; he also liked the manner in which it absorbs any liquid that it comes into contact with. Felt also appealed to him because of its ability to act as an insulator, it became a symbol of warmth and the way in which it could act as a muffler, for example when he wrapped a piano and a loudspeaker in it. (Tate Collection 2009) There is widespread belief that he had a strong preference towards these two materials because when he was injured in the war, fat and felt were used upon his wounds to help mend them . Beuys began to use fat in the 1960s with his installations ‘Fat Corners (1968) and a sculpture entitled ‘Fat Chair (1964). Beuys reasoning behind these pieces is that they began an almost chemical process that would not have been so potent if he had only spoken theoretically about them. (Walker Art Centre n.d.) In ‘Felt Suit (1970), Beuys uses felt in the idea that it is a protective and magical material. It is modern day armour made out of modest cloth. Hanging on the wall, an empty shell with no human presence it is not a suit at all, instead it becomes merely a piece of art. Beuys states that the suit represents warmth and a means in which to protect an individual from the world. Beuys states â€Å"Not even physical warmth is meant, namely spiritual or evolutionary warmth at the beginning of an evolution† (Turner 2001). The suit is also reminiscent of the solitude of human beings. Such suits were often worn by prisoners, particularly those in Nazi concentration camps. (Turner 2001) ‘Rose for Direct Democracy (1973), is one of Beuys most famous multiples, it consists of a rose in a transparent cylinder. For Beuys the rose is a simple example of the evolutionary process with its revolutionary goal, which is to gradually blossom. In contrast to the organic nature of the rose is a manmade cylinder with measurements on the side, capable of determining the volume of the matter inside. This piece symbolises the transition from an unyielding and artificial system into an organic and flourishing one. In one clear image it communicates the importance of love and knowledge and passion and science. (Arithmeum 2000) In ‘How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare (1965), Beuys cradled a dead hare for three hours whilst walking around and showing it his drawings while at the same time explaining each drawing to the hare in a whisper. The hare is symbolic of birth for Beuys, as the hare is born and burrows underneath the Earth, later to re-emerge from it. Whilst in this action, he also covered his head in honey and affixed fifty dollars worth of gold leaf to it. His reasoning behind this was that by covering his head in honey he was evidently doing something involved with thinking. Since it is bees who are the source of honey, its use represents the goodwill and affection that societies of bees are recognised for. (Ordinary Finds n.d.) Beuys stated that he would prefer to explain his pictures to a dead animal rather than to a person because this way his words were not taken too literally. Beuyss most well known action occurred during 1974 ‘I like America and America Likes Me, when he spent three days alone in a room with a coyote. For this performance, he was flown into New York and immediately upon landing he was enveloped in felt and loaded into an ambulance. He was then taken to the gallery where the action took place, without once setting foot on American soil. He explained that his wish was to isolate himself, see nothing of America other than the coyote. Native Americans held the coyote in god-like regard and after the settlers came they merely saw it as a pest which needed to be ridded. Beuys saw the disparagement of the coyote similar to the damage in which white men had imposed upon America and its native people. This action was an attempt to heal some of those wounds. He reasons, â€Å"You could say that a reckoning has to be made with the coyote, and only then can this trauma be lifted†. (Tate Collection 2009) In conclusion, Beuys served as a remedy to the needs of the population at the time, which was awakening from the shock of their economic, social and cultural sluggishness after the war. He demonstrated a way in which to rise from the ashes which was entertaining, wholesome and spiritually challenging. (Chicago Art n.d.) Within his works and teachings, he strived for a complete revamp of the system in which art is merely a consumer product. â€Å"Art is, he said, â€Å"a revolutionary change in the sense of completing the transformation from a sick world to a healthy one.† (Masters n.d.)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams :: A Streetcar Named Desire Essays

It is the complexity of the main characters and their interactions that make A Streetcar Named Desire such a successful and challenging play. The play A Streetcar Named Desire made playwright Tennessee William's name and has deservedly since had over half a century of success. This remarkable success can be credited to the intricate characters and their interactions with each other. Sisters, Stella and Blanche have had an enjoyable upbringing on the family plantation, "Belle Reve". As the name suggests Stella and Blanche's time at "Belle Reve" was near perfect. Like all things perfect it had to come to an end. While Stella did the logical thing and left the 'beautiful dream' and married Stan, Blanche hung on to it unable to move on and face reality. Blanche comes to Stella in an unbalanced state of mind in need of her sister's aid. The impression is given that this isn't the first time Stella has been there to help Blanche through a time of trouble. As much as she needs her help and as much as she respects her, Blanche strongly disapproves of her sister's new life. Stella tolerates Blanche's continual criticism of her husband, home and friends very well. From this and many other incidents throughout the play we see what a tolerant and adaptable person Stella is. Stan and Stella's relationship is far from ideal. Stan is a violent man. On occasions he hits Stella, but comes after her to satisfy his sexual needs. This is not to say that Stella is unhappy in her marriage to Stan. She has adapted to the way of life in "Elysian Fields" where it's accepted that women have arguments with their husbands and as a result are hit by them. Eunice and Steve have a similar relationship it is normal. Despite their violent relationship Stella relies on Stan as much as he does on her. Stella really does need Stan and the security he provides, especially with a baby on the way. Even if she weren't expecting a child Stella would have a lot of trouble leaving Stan. She admits to Blanche that, "I can hardly stand it when he is away for a night†¦and when he comes back I cry on his lap like a baby". From the moment Blanche first came to stay at Stella and Stan's home she posed a threat to Stan. He was used to being the only one Stella cared for, the one who ruled her.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan Essay

This essay will emphasize on whether or not the author of the story, â€Å"A Visit from the Goon Squad†, Jennifer Egan, thinks that adult behavior is shaped by one’s youth. The essay will focus on discussing the view of the author concerning whether one’s youth is responsible for shaping his or her adult behaviors. The author has taken time to show her feelings and connections in relation to ones youthful experiences and their ultimate old age. In the short story, the connections between the characters are all based on the fact that they were all friends and had connections to each other in the past. The connection is still there many years later. The story revolves around elaborating the lives of key characters so as to show that the author supports the notion one’s youth is responsible for shaping his or her adult behaviors. The one factor that has changed is how they perceive themselves and the journey that they have taken. This is because they are all at the story begins with great emphasis on Bennie. Salazar has been a music producer for a very long time. He has met very many people in his life and he has helped them produce the music that they were interested in, rock and roll. At the time, it was the genre of music that had the power to communicate to very many people. The connect ion to Sasha is drawn from the fact that Bennie hired her to work for him a very long time ago. The journey for both of them has been long and tiring. In A Visit from the Goon Squad, Jennifer Egan notes that each and every character is as a result of the journey that he or she took during their youth. This has shaped their thoughts, opinions and all the things that make them who they are in the novel. The term goon has been used to denote the silent robber that has reversed the general perception of the timeline that family, friends, acquaintances and loved ones had together. At each and every step, the author shows that the negative thoughts and sentiments represented are as a result of the difficult years that they have had to go through. â€Å"Times a goon, right? The sentiments presented show that the progress of each and every character may not be where they intended it to be. This is because of the very many things that they have experienced. Sasha has lived a life where she went from being a runaway in a foreign country who had battled with theft urges to a prostitute and many other emotional destabilizing factors. She also has a problem of kleptomania. This is represented by the fact that she grew up in a very violent home. The aspects of the things that she did all her life were a representation of what she had witnessed while goring up. As much as Bennie had hired her, there were very many secrets between the two as they rarely discussed their personal life. There are a lot of twists and turns with their relationship because Sasha sleeps with a young man named Alex. Bennie came to hire Alex to engineer the comeback of Scott, Bennie’s high school friend. The author therefore shows that Sasha has hardly changed the behaviors that she had as a youth. She is still doing the same things that she did when she was young. For example, the author notes that, â€Å"Sasha lived in a foreign country where she battled with urges of theft and being a prostitute†. She has not changed most of these behaviors because the author notes that she still has a problem with kleptomania. She also sleeps with a young man named Alex. The story by the author focuses on a few key characters that seem to reappear more frequently than the other characters. These are the characters that have been mentioned above such as Bennie and Lou. Lou has been described by the author as a coke-snorting music producer who loves to seduce teenage girls. Lou slowly became the mentor of Bennie, who was simply seen as a young and untalented bass player. The author has depicted most of the characters as being the same throughout the novel. For example, Lou used to snort coke and seduce teenage girls. This tells us a lot about his character. In the story, he is later described as a pimp who convinces young and under age Jocelyn to accompany him to Los Angeles. Lou is even seen imparting his theories about women to his son Rolph who is only eleven years old. This is evident when he takes his mistress and his two young children on a tour to Africa. Bennie is later depicted as an aging executive for rock music. The characters that he depicted as a youth are the same characters that he has now. This shows that his adult behaviors have been shaped by his youth. The author has used characters who are self destructive so as to show how one’s character can lead to their own destruction. As characters such as Bennie, Sasha and Lou grow older, fate is seen to lead them in directions they did not intend to go. This shows that they had no control over who they turned up to be. They are simply a product of what they were during their youth. Another way that the author has used to show the world that one’s adult behaviors are shaped by the youth is through shifting the story back and forth in time. The author has used different timelines. For example, the author has depicted some of the characters in the late sixties through music that was popular at that time. The author then shifts to present day and also the near future so as to show us the similarities and differences in the characters during that period of time. The main aim of doing this by the author is to show that most of the characters have not changed and they are not about to change in the near future. Conclusion In conclusion, the author supports the idea that one’s youth shapes his or her adult behaviors. Jennifer Egan has managed to do a great job of creating underdog characters that are self destructive and bring themselves down. I agree with the author that one’s behavior during adulthood has a lot to do with how they were during their youth. The characters that have been reviewed in this story have been seen to remain the same from their youth to their adulthood. This can be used as evidence that one’s youth indeed shapes their behaviors as adults. Characters like Lou, Bennie and Sasha have not changed throughout the story.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Two Directions For America

Americans face a critical decision about the direction of our country, not just in 2004 but for the long term. One is the conservative path for America: tax breaks for the wealthy that do little for the middle class while saddling us with massive debt; government by and for corporations that is indifferent to the struggles of everyday families; and a radical and destabilizing foreign policy that has overburdened our military and left our nation less secure. The other is a progressive path for America: Middle class tax breaks, affordable health care, and increasing economic opportunities to help the middle class. The progressive path for America is one that believes every American should have the opportunity to make the most of their lives given their talents and ambitions. Government has an important role in helping people reach their potential by promoting good paying jobs at home, supporting affordable health care for all, and providing quality education as the foundation of an increasing quality of life. Honest and fair government that puts the needs of citizens above all else. The progressive path honors our democratic values by focusing on what is right and necessary for all Americans, not just those with high paid lobbyists and political or financial clout. And a strong and measured foreign policy that fights our enemies everywhere and earns respect for American values and intentions. As former President Clinton stated earlier this week, "Strength and wisdom are not opposing values." America must relentlessly hunt down and eliminate fundamentalist extremists who aim to destroy our way of life. But in doing so, we must uphold our basic values, honor our international allies and prove to the world that the American way is a just and righteous way toward global security.... Free Essays on Two Directions For America Free Essays on Two Directions For America Americans face a critical decision about the direction of our country, not just in 2004 but for the long term. One is the conservative path for America: tax breaks for the wealthy that do little for the middle class while saddling us with massive debt; government by and for corporations that is indifferent to the struggles of everyday families; and a radical and destabilizing foreign policy that has overburdened our military and left our nation less secure. The other is a progressive path for America: Middle class tax breaks, affordable health care, and increasing economic opportunities to help the middle class. The progressive path for America is one that believes every American should have the opportunity to make the most of their lives given their talents and ambitions. Government has an important role in helping people reach their potential by promoting good paying jobs at home, supporting affordable health care for all, and providing quality education as the foundation of an increasing quality of life. Honest and fair government that puts the needs of citizens above all else. The progressive path honors our democratic values by focusing on what is right and necessary for all Americans, not just those with high paid lobbyists and political or financial clout. And a strong and measured foreign policy that fights our enemies everywhere and earns respect for American values and intentions. As former President Clinton stated earlier this week, "Strength and wisdom are not opposing values." America must relentlessly hunt down and eliminate fundamentalist extremists who aim to destroy our way of life. But in doing so, we must uphold our basic values, honor our international allies and prove to the world that the American way is a just and righteous way toward global security....

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Pig Lovers and Pig Haters Essays

Pig Lovers and Pig Haters Essays Pig Lovers and Pig Haters Essay Pig Lovers and Pig Haters Essay Harris reasoning brings the history of the people and the land into account. They were nomadic pastoralist and the climate and location simply was not good to be raising pigs. They would have required too much energy to raise, for not as much output for the people. Harris took and ecological approach to explain away pig hatred. When it comes to pig lovers, Harris goes into great detail on the Marina clans in New Guiana. Long story short, they raise pigs because they are holy and need to sacrifice them to their ancestors in order to declare war and make peace. They are raised for years on end, ND take up more and more energy as the years go on. However, unlike the pig haters, the Marina people live in an area perfect for pigs. Pigs also give them necessary nutrients and protein for their fighting. Harris states, Rapport insists correctly, I believe- that in a fundamental ecological sense, the size of a groups pig surplus does indicate its productive and military strength and does validate or invalidate its territorial claims. In other words, the entire system results in an efficient distribution of plants, animals, and people in the region, from a human ecological point of view'(56). Both of his examples show materialism taking place in cultures and he goes further in to explain how these pigs actually affect the lives of the people and, in essence, help structure their everyday culture. This reading was different from Radcliff-Browns reading, because where R. B. Would give you insight into what was hipping within a culture or within a society, Harris went into explanations about why it is happening. He also went even more in depth to explain the evolution of possible theories to explain the current behavior of the societies. He didnt simply stick you with his idea and leave it at that; he resented explanations for what people during different stretches of time may have been, or were, thinking about the topic, and showed how it evolved into his own theory. R. B. , on the other hand, gave a straight forward, this is what you see, this is what you get approach. My first question is who is Cashew? I dont have much knowledge on this culture and they Just threw his name into the reading without any form of explanation on who he is/was. My second question is about the rumba tree. The reading talked about once the tree gets pulled out, the next round of fighting will begin and you ant to pull yours before your neighbor does. If the neighbor does indeed pull their tree out first, do they warn them that a fight is about to start, or do they Just attack? . Pig haters- Jews, Moslems, and Christians -God of ancient Hebrews denounced the pig as unclean, a beast that pollutes if it is tasted or touched -However, pigs convert grains and tubers into high-grade fats and protein more efficiently than any other animal Why hate? Pig is a dirty animal-(but other animals are Just as dirty)-recognized at beginning of Renaissance when rabbi Moodiness said swines flesh has a bad and damaging effect upon the body 19th cent. discovered trichinosis was caused by eating undercooked pork- verified rabbis findings (but cooked pork is fine to eat! ) Cashew must have something else in mind other than protecting the health of the people Most Jewish and Moslem theologians have stopped looking for a naturalistic basis of pig hatred. A frankly mystical stance had recently gained favor, in which the grace afforded by conformity to dietary taboos is said to depend upon not knowing exactly what Cashew had in mind and in not trying to find out. (39) Modern anthropologists Frazer- pigs like all UN-clean animals, were originally divine. This is NO help b/c other animals were also once worshiped in the Middle East Other scholars- pigs, and other animals tabooed in the Bible and Koran, were once totemic symbols of dif tribal clan s. But if we agree with this, we have to think that maybe clean animals were also totems. Author prefers Moodiness approach. Placed it in a natural context of health and disease where definite mundane and practical forces were at work. Need to adopt a broader deaf of public health that includes the essential processes by which animals, plants, and people manage to coexist in viable natural and cultural communities. Authors hype: the Bible and Koran condemned the pig because pig farming was a threat to the integrity of the basic cultural and natural ecosystems of the Middle East. (40) History shows the Hebrews were nomadic pastoralist living in arid regions. Pigs dont do well here (they cant sweat) and gain most weight when eating nuts, fruits, tubers, and grainsmaking them a direct competitor of man. (41-42) Pigs only poop and pee everywhere when temps get above 84 deg BC they deed to cool themselves off. Below 84 they keep their business and sleeping quarters separate. So only Really dirty BC of natural causes, not pigs want, but their need Pork was a luxury food. Only meat, no milk, fibers, labor 7,000-2,000 BC- 60 fold increase on human pop in mid east, so hade and water( what a pig needs) became more scarce SOCIO- pigs tasted good, but too expensive to feed them and keep them cool, so better to interdict the consumption of pork entirely, and concentrate on other livestock. (ECOLOGICAL EXPLANATION) Pig Lovers- New Guiana and the South Pacific Melanesian islands swine is holy and must be sacrificed to the ancestors and eaten on all important occasions (marriage, funeral, etc) -pigs must be sacrificed to declare war and make peace -sometimes huge feasts and all the tribes pigs are eaten at once! Vomit to make room for more) Then years to rebuild the herd Just to do it all over again. -one cannot truly be human except in the company of pigs. (46) Pig love involves sacrificing and eating of pigs on special occasions (46) The climax of pig love is the incorporation of the pig as flesh into the flesh of the human host and of the pig as spirit int o the spirit of the ancestors. (46) New Guiana- Marina people. Every 12 years each Marina subgroup, or clan, have a pig festival that is a year long (called khaki) 2-3 months after khaki, clan engages in armed combat with enemy clans, lots of death, and either loss or gain of territory. Each clan sacrifices more pigs during fighting. Now NO MORE pigs. Fighting STOPS. Plant rumba trees in sacred spot. Every adult male touches the tree as planted. War magician talks to ancestors. No more pigs, thankful to be alive, the fighting is over, no more fights as long as tree stays in ground. Now they begin raising more pigs. When enough for another major sacrifice, they uproot the tree and have another fight. This is all not crazy. Every part of this cycle is integrated within a complex, self-regulating ecosystem, that effectively adjusts the size and distribution of the Testaments (another clan) human and animal population to conform to available resources and production opportunities. (48) How do they decide when they have enough pigs to thank the ancestors properly? Marina have no calendar and numbers dont go past 3. Pig to people ratio. Women have to care for the pigs, as well as gardens, families, and household. Caring for 6 grown pigs uses half of her energy. More pigs?more people. More pigs and more people= more work for women. Pigs eat garden, they get angry, neighbors fight. Move houses away from each other= less secure = more Jittery. Women start to get angry and snap at families. Men check tree for growth, women yell, start a new khaki. Allies come to see if they are prosperous and powerful enough to continue supporting Practical explanation to love: Scarcity of meat in their diet. Pork is their best potential source of high-quality animal fat and protein. Makes good ecological sense to raise pigs. Temp and humidity ideal for pigs. Can feed by roaming through forest. BUT: Unlimited growth of pig pop can only lead to competition between man and pig. Can endanger gardens if pop. Let go too far Growing pigs take more time to feed, pulling away from feeding people Virgin land= efficiency of agricultural system plummets SO, khaki takes place Enhances the ability of the group to survive and defend its territory (55) by: Raises the level of protein intake for the entire group during the rumba truce?heather pop. By linking the khaki to then of the truce, ancestors guarantee massive doses f high-quality fats and proteins are consumed at the period of greatest social stress- in the months before the fighting Able to attract and reward allies when they are most needed-Just before the war Relationship between success in raising pigs and military power Rapport insists -correctly, I believe- that in a fundamental ecological sense, the size of a groups pig surplus does indicate its productive and military strength and does validate or invalidate its territorial claims. In other words, the entire system results in an efficient distribution of plants, animals, and people in the region, from a human ecological point of view. (56

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Un Membership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Un Membership - Research Paper Example Charter (Weiss and Daws, 126). Firstly, the state seeking UN membership must submit a formal application to the secretary general of the United Nations. Usually, the head of state of that country writes and submits the application on behalf of the state. The application submitted must contain a clearly stated declaration that the state in question is in full acceptance of the obligations spelt out in the UN Charter. The Secretary General then submits the application to the President of the Security Council, who presents it to a sitting of the Security Council for deliberation by its members. The Security Council reviews the application, and its members vote on whether to accept or reject it. The Security Council comprises 15 member states, including five states that are permanent members. These permanent members are Russia, France, China, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Recommendation for admission must receive nine affirmative votes out of the possible 15, provided that none of the permanent member st ates votes against it. The Security Council then recommends the applicant state to the UN General Assembly for membership (UN News Center, The General Assembly is the deliberative organ of the United Nations. It comprises all the member states of the UN and meets in regular annual sessions to deliberate on various issues. The General Assembly reviews the application and considers the human rights and political record of the applicant state to determine if it is a peace-loving state. In addition, the General Assembly considers whether the Applicant State is fully willing and able to fulfill the obligations contained in the UN Charter. Finally, the members of the General Assembly present at the session take a vote regarding the application. The applicant state acquires membership if at least two-thirds of the member states vote in the affirmative. Following voting by the General Assembly, the Secretary

Friday, November 1, 2019

Molson's analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Molson's analysis - Research Paper Example One of the major brands that Molson Coors has in mind to promote is the Molson Canadian, one of the three beer brands that it owns. Molson Canadian is a premium lager. One of the possible reasons as to why it is the product of choice to be targeted for expansion is its increasing popularity among beer brands worldwide. It is already a hit in its native country of production, Canada, and the company has major plans for it. The plans fostered research in the four countries considered of being potential markets on the international scene and this paper shall rank the countries in order of their potentiality and give the criteria and other details that would have determined the outcome of the results of ranking. There are several reasons as to why China is the best potential market for expansion of Molson Canadian premium lager. One is the popularity gain of premium drinks among the Chinese population (6% in 2010) and its promising steady progress. They distinctively prefer drinks that have quality and have some status. Premium lager drinks fit perfectly in this description. A preference is skewed towards imported premium lager brands given the inclination of the Chinese to the Western countries culture. This is in fact a perfect opportunity for the Molson Canadian premium lager, given its origin and perfection. The Chinese market has a promising future market, both in the present and in the future. This is given its younger generation’s capability to spend more on luxury goods. The young Chinese thus hold the future market for the Molson Canadian beer brand. Mexico could have been the best option if at all it had a little glimmer in its economy growth, which is its main letdown while considering the best country for Molson Canadian Premium Lager. This in fact was the main reason as to why they had a drop of 2% of beer volumes sold in 2010. The poor economy is a threat in that the population might prioritize other basic needs due to the rising