Saturday, August 31, 2019

Captains Log

We arrived two days ago on this island from Telepyus, Land of the Laestrygonians with heavy hearts, grieving for the loss of our dear comrades. In our sorrow we lay on the shore for two days and two nights, wailing and crying at the pain and anguish we felt for our lost companions. But now I feel that I have to move for the sake of my remaining crew, otherwise I believe we will stay here forever, wallowing in our grief. I am going to leave the men here while set off alone to explore, it would be pointless trying to make the men move now. Half of the crew and myself are now sat on the beach, awaiting the return of the other half of the crew. After my last entry I set off and came to a rocky height and as I became close to the top of it I could see a cloud of reddish smoke rising, as I got closer and closer to the top I saw that it was coming from the chimney of a house in the distance. I was unsure of how I felt at the sight, I was left in two minds, whether to press on forwards and investigate or not. After some deep thought I made the decision n to go back to the shore and try to find some food on the way, the welfare of my men must come first, I would then split the men in to two halves and leave half on the shore and the I would send the other half to explore the island I think that it is best to only let half go incase of any danger, that way if any crew are lost it will only be half or less. I cannot risk loosing any more crew after what happened with Antiphates and the Cyclops. On my way back the Gods must have been in my favour because I came across I stag, which I managed to kill and although it was a brute of a thing I could just manage to put it over my shoulder and drag it back to the shore where I greeted my men warmly and we ate the meal. The meal did seem to boost their morale, which is what I had hoped; I hoped that it might encourage them that we were going to be fine. After we ate we slept and this morning half of the men set off to explore led by Eurylochus. Eurylochus returned alone, claiming that the rest of the men were turned into pigs by a witch named Circe. He told me that when he and his men had reached the Palace of Circe they had heard a beautiful voice singing while working on a loom, one man had said that whoever was inside must have been either a Goddess or woman, she called out to them and invited them inside. But Eurylochus, being a very suspicious man, suspected a trap and did not go in, so Polites led the men and in their innocence they followed him inside. Then he told me that the men had been fed and given drinks of yellow honey with Pramnian wine which she tipped with a noxious drug. The men were then herded into a pigsty and fed acorns and forest nuts, they grunted like pigs but their minds were as human as before, but with no memory of their native land because of the drug. After hearing this news I threw my sword in its silver scabbard over my shoulder and grabbed my bow and told Eurylochus to take me back with him by the same way he had come. But he threw his arms around my knees and begged me to let him stay where he was, so I let him stay because if I had pursued my order, it may have caused a mutiny because he would have disobeyed my order making me look like a bad leader, or and the rest of the crew may have been swayed to the point of view that I had bad judgement , after all my judgement wasn't always perfect, I hadn't been very cautious where the Cyclopes and Laestrygonians had been concerned and perhaps it may have been better if I had have been. So I let him stay and kept up a better image rather than risk looking unkind and uncompassionate. But although Eurylochus will no be coming with me I still have to go on because I cannot loose any more men, so I am going on alone to retrieve my comrades, I'll set off now. I have just returned back to the beach after my encounter with Circe. Soon after leaving the shore I was surprised to meet up with Hermes, who told me that I should eat a special herb called Moly which would stop Circe's powers affecting me. He then instructed me to go on to the palace and accept Circe's offerings, but when she strikes me with her stick I should rush at her with intent to kill her and she will beg for me to go to her bed. He said that if I slept with her she might rob me of my courage and manhood so I should get her to swear an oath before hand so that she wouldn't, and that after I had been in bed with her she would let my men go. I ate the herb and then went on to the palace and when I got outside I called to her and she let me in and fed me and then she offered me a goblet of yellow looking honeyed wine, but I knew that it was drugged, and just like Hermes had told me I drank it and it had no effect thanks to the Moly. Next she hit me with her stick and shouted â€Å"Off to the pigsty and lie down with your friends†, so I snatched up my sword and rushed at her as if I meant to kill her, she slipped beneath my blade, grabbed my knees and burst into tears. She then asked me who I was and where I came from but before I could answer she said that I must be Odysseus because Hermes had once told her that a man named Odysseus would come to her palace and suffer no effects from her drug. She then asked me to join her in her bed and get to trust each other. I could not deny a Goddess, and it was for the sake of my crew, Hermes had told me to accept this offer and although I could not help but think about my wife in Ithaca I knew that to get back home to her I would have to sleep with Circe, so I followed her to her bed, but not before getting her to swear a solemn oath that while they were in bed she should not rob me of my courage and manhood. After I had slept with Circe she told me to return to the shore and collect my men and bring them back to the palace so she could offer them food, drink and fresh clothes, and she let the men out of the sty and turned them back. I got to the shore and told my men the good news, that their friends were now human again and that we all had a feast waiting for us at Circe's palace. But Eurylochus did not take this as good news; he told the men not to trust me and said that I had almost cost them their lives before and that it was my fault we had lost so many men before as it was me who always led the men into danger, like when I made the men go into the Cyclops cave and stay there, and when I lost the men on the Land of the Laestrygonians. I was so enraged by his defiant outburst I considered drawing my sword and lopping his head off there and then but my men held me back and calmed me down. They said that they would come with me and Eurylochus could stay with the ship if he didn't want to come, however he came anyway, if only through fear but we all knew that he was terrified of Circe's Palace too. So now we are all going ahead to Circe's Palace, although my blood is still boiling over what Eurylochus said. I have just had the most difficult day of my journey so far, for after I collected my men and took them to the Palace of Circe, after some persuasion we when to the Palace where the two partied of men met and cried in joy at the sight of each other and we stayed there and ate and drank and bathed and rested for a whole year. It was so relieving to be able to rest and relax that I didn't realise that we'd stayed that long, until the men came to me today and reminded me that we should be on our way because they wanted to get home. I felt like a bad leader for getting so engrossed with this lifestyle that I forgot about their feelings and the time. We feasted for the rest of the day and then as night fell I went to Circe and clasped her knees in supplication and I told her what I felt and how the men felt and asked her to keep the promise she had once made me about sending me home. That is when she told me this dreadful news; to get home I must first go down to the underworld, into the Halls of Hades and consult the soul of Teiresias, who was the only person who could tell me the way home. These terrible words struck me hard and my heart sank, I felt like I had no more reasons for living. But If I ever wanted to return home I had to do this, it was heart breaking but it had to be done. What would be worse was that I would have to tell the crew. I found out from Circe that I would have to set up my mast and wait for the north wind to blow my ship on its way, she said I would come to a wild coast and Persephone's Grove, I should go to the specific place she stated then dig a trench as long and wide as a mans forearm, I should go round the trench and pour offerings to the dead and after that I should sprinkle white barley and begin my prayers and make Teiresias a separate offering of a the finest jet black sheep of my flock. Then there would be more sacrifices of a ewe and ram and pray some more until I would be able to talk to Teiresias who could give me a route home. As if this news hadn't been hard enough I now had to tell my comrades the same thing and get them to agree. Then one of the younger men who had gotten drunk last night herd me calling the men to wake up and he leapt up and fell off the roof and broke his neck and went straight to Hades. Then I broke the news to the men, it was so had to tell them but I had to do it or we will never be able to return to our beloved homes. When I told them they were broken hearted and deeply upset and Circe put the animals for the sacrifice on the ship for me. The men have agreed to go on the next step of our journey home; I just hope that we will prevail.

Mobile Phone and People

The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal. People have become overly dependent on technology. University students should pass the English proficiency test before graduation Argumentative Essay : People have become overly dependent on technology. Topic: People have become overly dependent on technology 1. Introduction (paragraph 1) A. Hook: Computer, hand phones, Internet, and latest gadgets such as GPStacking devices are not anymore unusual thing in our  daily life. B. Connecting  Information People start to use those technological inventions as their daily  life needs.People’s life style has blend together with technology. C. Thesis  Statement Although most of the people think that  technology has made our life easier, inmy opinion its making us overly dependent on those technologies. 2. Body A. Paragraph  2  (First  point) Today’s generation is becoming much lazier than the earlier generation. This isbecause they are too dependent on technologies. Some of them are unable todo things on their own. For example, some people are depends on grass-cutting machine to clean their lawn, while they can just do it without it. Another example is, today’s youth generation can’t separate with their mobilephones.They feel like they lost someone in their family if the hand phone isnot in their hand. This clearly shows us how much people depending ontechnologies. B. Paragraph  3  (Second  point) Most of the powerful countries are depends on  their industrial power tostabilize their status. Technology made industrial development to increaserapidly. Industries depend more on machines than human power. This newlydiscovered robotic technology makes human workers to be totally ignored insome factories. C. Paragraph  4  (Third  point) Besides that, mobile  technology makes our  lives even  faster.As devicesbecome lighter and more powerful we no longer have to wait until we arrive atour destination. W e can do almost anything while on the road. In this fastphased world, people without a laptop or mobile devices are the one who leftbehind of their work. Those days, people communicate through letters. But nowadays, some people lost thousands of money if there is no email servicefor one hour. D. Paragraph  5  (Counterargument) On other hand, peoples say that technology reflects how far human kind hasevolved and civilized. They think that I phones and PDAs symbolizes thedevelopment of human race.However in my opinion, these people didn’trealize that we are losing  our capability as technology develops. Thousands of  years ago people successfully built pyramid with just using  human power. Istrongly stand in my opinion that people have become overly dependent ontechnology. 3. Conclusion A. Restated  thesis: As a conclusion, it’s clear that we have become overly dependent ontechnology by the facts that we are becoming lazier, ignoring humanpower, and working w hile travelling in our daily life, although when most of  the people say that technology made our lives better.B. Suggestion/  Prediction  / Opinion: If people didn’t learn how to stand on their own leg  to do things, surelythey will suffer when the day comes. People should know how to surviveand do things without depending too much on technology. Article; Are People Overly Dependent on Technology? You know you’ve got too much technology in your life when you and your significant other are sitting together on the couch, having a text-message conversation with each other. Who ever imagined that â€Å"ashes to ashes, dust to dust† could actually refer to our vocal cords?Admittedly, it’s a very convenient form of communication and entirely appropriate at times, like during weddings, funerals, and tests. But it’s not just text messaging, it’s the entire technology spectrum that has zombified us, and it only seems to be getting worse. I k now a handful of people who can’t get into their cars and onto the road until they’ve synced all their Bluetooth devices with their car’s Bluetooth system, have texted several people to let them know they’ve just left, will be rolling shortly, and will text them when they get there, and checked their multiple email accounts once last time.And by one last time I mean before they get to the next stop light where they’ll check it again, just in case something important from a rich, retired army general with banking connections in Zimbabwe has shown up. Do any of us really wonder why our auto insurance rates are through the roof, and portable technology can be cited as a prime factor in accident after accident on our highways and byways? Bet you didn’t know that many motorcycle helmets are now equipped with Bluetooth capabilities, for those times when a call just can’t wait until you’ve slowed your bullet bike to 150mph.By any defi nition you choose, this is an unnecessary overreach of modern technology. As a society, on the whole, have we truly become too dependent on technology, or does it only seem that way because crotchety old technophobes keep telling us that? Consider your daily routine as insight into the answer. What would your day be like without a computer, without a smart-phone, without 600 channels of cable television, without Facebook and Twitter, and without your Kindle Fire?Would your entire day be thrown out of kilter if the first thing you didn’t do each morning was check your email on your smartphone before you turned on your laptop to check those same emails? What would a day without Facebook be like for you? How about just an hour? Admittedly, I’m writing this article on my computer for people to read on their computers, which might make me part of the problem, but if I could create a daily â€Å"hardcopy† following, I would. It’s a simple fact of the 21st centu ry that we depend on technology for everything, and those who eschew it are somehow called backwards, out of touch, and quite often my parents.Still, do we require so much technology to function in today’s society, or do we just tell ourselves that in an attempt to continue feeling relevant? Is it really important that my Facebook friends know that I just sat down for dinner at my favorite restaurant? I think the impetus for so much of this is fear of not keeping up with the new Joneses, who are frequently teenagers and young adults who couldn’t possibly give you directions to the library because they have no idea what a library is.How many times have you stood in line, possible for hours and at the expense of your beauty sleep, to get a new smartphone that is slightly better than the smartphone you stood in line for six months ago? If you blushed and feel a little cheeky, there’s a very good chance you’re addicted to technology for the sake of technology , and not for what it can actually mean in terms of increased productivity in your life. So, what can be done? Well, if you’re unwilling, then nothing. You’ll probably be one of those eventual parents who raises a child who will never leave the house, for any reason, because he’ll never have to.Everything he will need will be a mouse-click or a voice command away, including virtual vacations, long distance learning, and a girlfriend who looks awesome at 30 frames per second. If, however, you’re sick of it all, or at least sick of it some, then here’s something you can do that has been a success in our house. Every evening, for one hour, we turn off our cell phones, shut down our computers, and find something to do as a family. Sometimes it is television, but most of the time it isn’t.We go for walks, we hang out in the back yard, we play card games, we chit-chat about how we really wish we could check our Facebook status just about now. Addi tionally, each Saturday we live as technology-free as possible. We do shut our phones and computers off for the day. It’s extreme, and sometimes it doesn’t always work out, but for quite some time now we’ve been successful at this because we’ve recognized in our own lives how easy it is to lose sight of the analog world when we’re so engrossed in the digital one. It only takes a desire to ant to do something different, and a willing spirit. Before you know it you’ll find it easier to set down your smartphone, easier to walk away from Facebook after two hours of searching for the funniest LOLcats on the planet, and easier to say no to that next frivolous purchase that will probably have you standing in line in freezing temperatures, texting back and forth with the guy standing in the line in front of you. Tyler is a tech enthusiast and writer for CableTV. com sumber: http://thegeekpanel. com/social/are-people-overly-dependent-on-technology/

Friday, August 30, 2019

Listening Piece Commentary, English Language and Literature Essay

My listening audience piece was inspired by the old man in Poe’s Tell Tale Heart, thought evil by the protagonist, but given no voice to express himself. My protagonist is an elderly character with a dark side, similar to Angela Carter’s in The Werewolf. To subtly reveal this hidden personality I adopted the style of Alan Bennett’s monologue Playing Sandwiches where he gradually builds suspicion of the speaker, ultimately revealing the horrible truth. I created a radio monologue told from the viewpoint of an elderly lady, intended to make the listeners think about the secrets that lie hidden behind closed doors in regular people’s lives, typical of the Gothic. The exposition of my piece introduces the lady as a kind soul: ‘I’m sorry; Miss Hawking doesn’t live here anymore’. I used apologetic politeness ‘I’m sorry’ to encourage listeners to like the character. The nonstandard auxiliary verb ‘was’ m akes her speech sound natural ‘Had herself a nice feller too; they was having a baby together’, as does the colloquial lexis ‘feller’. The visitor is a dramatic device to allow the lady to speak her thoughts. When she talks of romance, the protagonist’s language is more like a written story than spontaneous speech, ‘Then he held her that night, under the moon, with the stars all shinin’ from above.’ She uses discourse markers, lexis like a romance novel, and conventional romantic imagery of the moon and stars, suggesting that she has played it over and over in her head. Because this is a monologue, the visitor’s presence is only implied by the protagonist’s speech. Instead of stage directions my protagonist says everything needed to imply the action ‘No, no, you needn’t take your shoes off ‘. The repetition of the negative ‘No, no’ and the lack of back-channeling begin to reveal her unusual side, sounding a bit too firm with her requests while covering it with a polite tone. Cumulative word count: 317 From here I slowly reveal her darker side making listeners question her knowledge of the couple, and her mental health: ‘the milk’s been in there a little too long I’m afraid.’ To construct her mental breakdown in the line, ‘I, I, Sorry, I don’t know what’s come over me’ I used a false start to show her nervousness and fear, and the adjective ‘sorry’ to echo her opening line. Her identity is revealed when she changes from second to first person in mid-sentence ‘She loved you †¦ and you turned me into this’. I implied that she has been tracking him since he left in a series of photographs in a locked room personifying her feelings: ‘The room won’t forget’. Her change in register, ‘She was pretty, for a whore†¦ You Bastard’ with taboo lexis unnerves the audience because it subverts expectations of how an old lady should speak. Writing this piece has crystalised the difference between spoken and written language for me; in creating it I felt the need to say it out loud to ensure the voice accurately reflected the speech of an old lady. Overall I believe I did so effectively as the register change at the end is quite striking.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Business Globalization-International Conferences on Business and Essay

Business Globalization-International Conferences on Business and Culture - Essay Example Communications problems in marriages of Japanese women and American men arose because of inadequate acculturation of Japanese women. The crisis in their marriages starts when their kids are grown up and identify themselves with American values and behavior norms. American and Japanese communications styles differ significantly as Americans are more straightforward whereas, Japanese prefer understanding feelings of each other. In this way, Americans are more expressive whereas, Japanese do not express their feelings and they assume that other person will understand feelings from subtle things. Moreover, significant cultural differences, religious differences and language barriers also create problems in the relations between U.S. and Japanese marriages. In a panel discussion on â€Å"Japanese Religion as Local Culture and its Global Relevance†, all panel members shared their experience when they in Japan. In the discussion, the establishment of Association of Sacred sites of Shinto and Buddhism in 2008 was considered as a cooperative relationship between the two traditions. The focus of discussion was on aspects of Japanese religion, Buddhism and Judaism in Japan. It has been highlighted by all of the panel members that Japanese have strong religious beliefs and most of the times Americans get amazed about miracles which are common things for Japanese. Like Japan other Asian countries are also nature-oriented and they believe that they learn from nature. People in Japan believe that senses are actions to be respectful and everything has a life source. They have a strong belief that God exists somewhere out there, but God is within us and even all individuals are different but they have been created by something greater than that. In the discussion on Social Justice and Global Strategies, internationalization and globalization were discussed. The main focus of discussion was on the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Definitions of Freedom, Servitude and Slavery Change in Colonial Essay

Definitions of Freedom, Servitude and Slavery Change in Colonial America - Essay Example Over the years, however, the definitions of freedom and servitude changed, not for the better, but they grew to be a part of the daily life of the people of colonial America and the language and idiom that they use to convey their beliefs regarding the freedom of the marginalized and the subaltern make this very clear. The practice of assigning superiority to the white man was an intrinsic feature of the colonizer’s rhetoric. One may take the example of John Winthrop’s speech to the general court of 1645. Winthrop was a rich lawyer who settled in America and was one of the major settlers of the new colony. His speech talks of the hierarchies that were divinely ordained whereby even the wife of a white man was supposed to find â€Å"honor and freedom† in â€Å"her subjection to her husband’s authority† (Winthrop). Such convoluted notions of freedom were extended to other subaltern groups in the society which would then occupy various positions on the social ladder, thus justifying subjection in general and offering a justification for slavery and colonialism based on theories that were based on Christian ideologies that were not a part of the societies of the slaves or the indigenous residents of America. This fervor to foist one’s own ideologies and beliefs onto the cultural ‘other’ also finds expression in the cartography of the period. Captain John Smith’s map of Virginia is an excellent example of this tendency where a map of an Indian settlement is replete with symbols of British monarchy; thus seeking to subjugate the native tribes of the area even in one’s own mind, on the part of the colonizer (Captain). The situation of the people who arrived in America as indentured laborers was only slightly better than that of the black slaves. They were welcomed with diseases the like of which they had not seen before in their land. The lack of immunity to these diseases led to a great number of de aths, to which the authorities turned a blind eye. This reveals the shocking insensitivity to servants in the minds of those who held positions of power in colonial America. This can be understood from a letter written by an indentured laborer named Richard Frethorne, to his parents, in which he complains, I am not halfe a quarter so strong as I was in England, and all is for want of victualls, for I doe protest unto you, that I have eaten more in a day at home than I have allowed m here for a Weeke. (Richard) This makes clear the sheer inhumanity of the treatment that was meted out to indentured laborers and gives us an idea of how worse the treatment that the black slaves faced was. The treatment that the blacks faced however did undergo a change for the better. Attitudes that the colonizers held slowly started to change and the magnitude of the atrocities began to dawn upon some members of the colonizing nations. Alexander Falconbridge’s relatively sympathetic treatment of the narrative of the journey of the blacks to the slave markets is an instance that communicates to us the changing attitudes towards the inhuman treatment of slaves. There are several concessions that Falconbridge makes to the slave communities such as the occasion when they are forced to sing. Falconbridge accedes to the fact that â€Å"as may naturally be expected, melancholy lamentations of their exile from their native country†

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Discuss three ways that technological innovation has worked to the Essay

Discuss three ways that technological innovation has worked to the detriment of organizational dynamics or to the detriment of s - Essay Example Take the case of patent applications. Technological innovation has been linked to the increase in patent applications. This is due to the extension of patent domain to new objects such as research tools, software, business methods, artificially engineered organisms and genes. Moreover new players like public agencies and universities have also entered the patent domain thereby making the market more competitive. In the past twenty years, we have witnessed a rapid growth in the rates of patents which also includes patenting the scientific resources and results. It has been observed that the patent applications from US corporations conducted from 1988 – 2000 have more than doubled. In other words, patents have acquired strategic value. A classic example in this context is that of Texas Instruments. This company is estimated to have profited around one billion dollars from patent licenses and settlements due to its aggressive enforcement policy. The above mentioned aspects have l ed to an increase in the patenting rates. This has subsequently increased the litigation expenses. According to the US Department of Commerce, patent litigation that commenced in the year 1991, led to an overall legal expenditure by US firms which were at least 25% of the cost of basic research conducted by these firms in 1991 (Dosi, Marengo & Pasquali, 2006). An important breakthrough in technology is the invention of computers and other advanced tools which provides accurate and fast results. Advanced and innovative software has provided us a platform to interact online with each other. The advent of e-mail, intranet, social networking tools like Facebook, Twitter etc. has made it possible for people to interact online. Previously, people used to meet each other and visit their close friends and relatives. Occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries were celebrated and people visited each other in person. However, with the advent of online tools people no longer care to visit their close friends and relatives. Instead they interact with them online with the various internet tools that have been invented. Nowadays, these tools are a means to keep in touch with each other and hence face-to-face interaction has lessened to quite an extent. Another negative effect of computers is that it has led to reduction in manual labor. Previously, all types of work needed to be done manually and this meant higher demand for laborers. With automation, the entire scenario has changed. Many people may argue that the job market has become more competitive with all firms struggling to put in their best to remain in market. However, the newspaper industry has been hit very hard as technological innovation has paved the way for advertising and market promotion actions through the web. Nowadays firms and organizations prefer to promote their products and services through the internet, online magazines and brochures which have a wider public appeal. This is one of the main reasons w hy most newspaper firms have ceased to remain in the market and in most countries it has been observed that only a handful of such companies remain in market. Technological innovation is a vicious cycle. Take the example of the automobile industry. With the advances made in technology, new automobiles are being designed taking into account the consumer comfort and luxury. In most countries people consider car to be a necessity as they prefer to commute driving their own automobile. This has led to an increase in the pollution levels

Monday, August 26, 2019

Research Paper on Staph Infections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Research Paper on Staph Infections - Essay Example two major species of Staphylococcus are Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermis, the difference is distinguished between the fermentation of mannitol salt agar. Staphylococcus aureus will ferment mannitol and produces acid and Staphylococcus epidermidis does not. Sometimes, Staphylococcus may cause infection the most common being skin infections. Mostly these infections are not major and can be treated easily without using antibiotics. Such minor infections of Staphylococcus are skin infections, bone infections, and pneumonia. Occasionally, Staphylococcus bacteria can also cause serious infections such as severe life-threatening bloodstream infections. These diseases are spread by having direct contact with the infected individual. Although some skin infections may be infected by indirect contact by touching inanimate objects. It is important on how Staphylococcus is spread because a person is liable to pick the infection up from almost anywhere. According to the Center of Disease Control, most serious staphylococcus infections were treated with a certain type of antibiotic related to penicillin. Although, over the years, the treatment methods for these infections have become difficult because of antibiotic resistance. As reported, by the Center of Disease Control, "antibiotic resistance can cause significant danger and suffering for children and adults who have common infections, that may have once been able to be treated easily with antibiotics. The use of antibiotics encourages the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Bacteria that become resistant to antibiotics occurs when bacteria mutate causing a reduced or even maybe eliminating the effectiveness of drugs, or any other chemical designed to prevent disease. These bacteria learn to survive and therefore, continue to multiply causing more harm to their host body. The CDC reported that people should only use antibiotics to treat bacterial infections, not such things as the flu or cold

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Climate Change Impacts on Indigenous People Research Paper

Climate Change Impacts on Indigenous People - Research Paper Example According to archaeologists, food storage is widespread and sharing or reciprocity is integral to survival during climate change and catastrophes (Cherrington 18). Nevertheless, a great deal of what populations have created in reaction to catastrophe has also been quite unsound. Social and environmental pressures lead to a huge number of deaths and conflicts. Destruction of ancient civilizations is more widespread than survival. These are vicious and potent lessons to reflect on as individuals and/or groups try to learn from indigenous communities about climate change. Across the globe, agriculture was cultivated at the conclusion of the final ice age, at the advent of the Holocene roughly 11,500 years ago (Geoffrey 18). There have been significant alterations in hydrological processes and in intense weather episodes as well, and changes in temperature throughout the Holocene. The ‘Anthropocene’ theory states that human activities, mostly agriculture and deforestation, l ed to rise in carbon dioxide over the last eight thousand years and rise in methane gas over the last five thousand years (Geoffrey 18). If this hypothesis is true, there are significant repercussions for human-made climate change. Measurements of climate change have coherently revealed and verified that the Earth’s climate is shifting. As reported in the latest statements of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), there is clear and indisputable proof that the climate of the world is warming and that this is almost certainly caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) provoked by human beings (UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs 95). Human activity has weakened the environmental strength of the planet by exploiting the atmosphere as a cesspool for GHGs. Climate change is an adverse reaction presently felt in the world as an outcome of the increase in greenhouse gas production and discharges as a result of burning of fossil fue ls, mostly for transportation and industrial operations. Due to this ‘smoke’ emitted from machines and automobiles, carbon dioxide gas is accumulated in the atmosphere and raises the intensity of heat in the planet (Chavez & Tauli-Corpuz 39-42). This occurrence is known as the ‘greenhouse effect’. Since the 19th century, global temperatures have risen by roughly 0.74%. A further increase in temperature is expected and indigenous peoples will be more seriously affected than other populations. The effect of climate change involves (UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs 95): diminishing polar sea ice and rising of sea levels, threatening low-lying coastal areas, notably many small islands in the Pacific; greater exposure to natural disasters, such as floods, and to frequent and intense extreme weather events; degradation of wetlands due to changing freeze-thaw cycles; glacial melts in high-altitude regions and subsequent inundations of valleys and hill areas; increased fires in tropical rainforests; changes in precipitation and desertification. Even though climate change is an occurrence that affects the entire world, affecting all peoples and places, different environments and areas are affected quite differently. Indigenous peoples are by now coping with effects of climate change in their everyday lives. Changes due to climate change, such as weakening of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

State of the State Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

State of the State Speech - Essay Example His sole reference to the end of the recession is a painfully general statement asserting job growth. This job growth reference is sandwiched between references to the "dark clouds" of the past, the "parting clouds" of the past couple of months, and the sunshine waiting just around the corner (Perdue, 2006: np). The type of job growth is not discusses, no statistics are provided, and there is no discussion regarding the causes for this sudden increase in employment. In short, the overwhelming majority of his time sounds more like a weather report than a discussion of the state of the economy. He then quickly turns from employment to the issue of government spending. There are inconsistencies as the Governor details his plans for government spending in the 2007 fiscal year. He begins on an optimistic note, stating that the Georgia has experienced a windfall of 1.25 billion dollars in revenues. There are no explanations. He does not cite increased tax receipts, increased taxes, or any other sources for this revenue. The observer is left to ponder where this money has come from in a recessionary economy. He then details his spending plans for this billion dollars. He plans to restore previously cut programs for education, health, and social welfare. This is where the inconsistency arises.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Strategic Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategic Marketing - Assignment Example the researcher ventures to critical evaluate the four major components of market orientation which in turn enables companies to satisfy the needs and demands of their customers thereby maximizing value for the shareholders. Given the fact that companies puts the interest of customers on top of their priority list, their level of satisfaction is enhanced by several strategies implemented by company managers that are aimed towards proper competitor profiling and inter-functional coordination. All of this is achieved via adequate collection of analysis of market intelligence. In this particular project the researcher will conduct a critical assessment of all of the above mentioned factors as well as highlight the effectiveness with which the researcher’s company conducts market orientation. By doing so, the researcher will be able to identify the gaps that exist in the company’s market orientation strategies and make appropriate recommendations to the managing director. The report is being addressed to the managing director of XYZ Company with the underlying aim of setting forth the effectiveness of the company with respect to the fundamental components of market orientation. Given the fact that having an effective marketing orientation strategy in place is one of the most pivotal activities to be performed by an organization, the researcher endeavours to pin point certain strategies that would enable the organization to enhance its market orientation effectiveness. In a world that is characterized by rapid changes in customer preferences, even faster progress in the field of technology and increasing intensity of competitive contention, it becomes pivotal for organizations to develop a mechanism in order to generate information related to the market, analyze the same and respond in view of that. The cluster of activities set forth by organizations everlastingly in order to scrutinize, analyze as well as respond to the transformations in the market is termed as